Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How to have fun in an electronics store

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I don't want to talk about my preboards, so here goes:

  • See that home theatre nearby? Ask the helper guy to put in some action movie so that you can examine the "quality". Pause it just before a blast scene (or something along those lines) and Turn up the volume to max. Do this quick so that the employee won't stop you. Then press play. Shows a very satisfactory result - everybody will bend over and think they are being attacked or something.
  • If the computers are locked, ask the employees to log you in. Once you are in, you can change the password. If it isn't an administrator account then shut it down, press f10 when it loads, and put a password in the.

Erm. I am a little dizzy right now. Now, I have half a mind of not writing this post. '



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