Sunday, March 15, 2009


Sunday, March 15, 2009
Nobody's probably gonna read this, and i don't even know if i should be writing this. Middle of my boards, remember? Anyway, this will only take a minute.

My uncle brought me some early presents from my brother in New Zealand. So, despite the risk of looking self-obsessed, here they are :

1. Nokia N95 8gb.

2. My Favourite drink ever, Ginger Beer. (Its Indian version sucks. Don't drink it)

3. Basketball. Ha.


Manmeet Singh

Wow Dude...
N95 8GB..kwl..
you must be in seventh heaven.
and that basketball is great too.

and me too wanted to post something yesterday,but I didn't want to give a small crap about my boards nd stuff.but maybe i'll try to make a post in boards also.

(P.S.:I'm not really sure though.)


this baby can do everything! Earlier i used to dismiss the presumption that mobiles can replace pcs. But this gets pretty close. Youtube-ing, facebooking, blogging - in fact i am writing this comment through the phone.

Manmeet Singh

and thank god you changed your theme timely coz your blog was seriously in mess.


I Love Your phone!
And theme too.

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