Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Yes, Mlik Man!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Recently watched two remarkable movies : Milk, and Yes Man.

Milk: You have probably heard of it. The story of the first openly gay elected member of an American public office, Harvey Milk.
the movie, as expected was skillfully made. What I hate about historicals is the way they cut through many parts of the protagonist's life without actually depicting the finer nuances in detail, just so they can accommodate a larger amount of information. Milk, surprisingly, doesn't do that. It shows every part of Milk's life in complete detail, which only increases its richness.

Homophobic people should stay away from this one, just as a warning.

Yes Man: This was quite a laugh. Story about a man who tries to turn his lonely, sad life around by promising himself to say 'YES' to every question he is asked. It feels like a rerun of Liar Liar and Bruce Almighty, but watchable nevertheless.

Thats all for now.



Watched milk and felt slightly disappointed.

BTW what happened to Pulzkit's wallpaper day?


Well, who cares. Its still worth your time.
About Wallpaper Day.
No response from you guys. what do you expect me to do? :(

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